In addition to standard hack-and-slash combos, Yunica is also able to perform various aerial maneuvers such as the down-thrust and up-thrust from previous Ys games, as well as a crippling lunge attack. Hugo Fact can fire energy from his wand and his "Eyes of Fact" alike, he can often fill the screen with destructive power, mowing down all enemies in his path before they have a chance to get anywhere near him.
With good timing, he can pull off a crippling "power shot," generating a debilitating pillar of pure magic with a wider area of effect. All playable characters have a "Boost Meter" that slowly fills as the game progresses. Once this meter has reached capacity, that character can be temporarily "Boosted" for quicker and stronger attacks and far greater defense.
Once certain conditions have been reached during gameplay, boosted characters can utilize a special move called "Burst" that quickly depletes their Boost meter in favor of an ultra-powerful, extremely wide-ranging release of highly destructive energy.
Plot Setting There once was a wildly prosperous land named Ys, ruled by the twin Goddesses Reah and Feena and their six priestly retainers. It was a veritable paradise, with all its residents able to enact miracles at will through the use of magic — a power granted them by a holy artifact known as the Black Pearl.
One day, without warning, enormous demons marched upon the land, bringing death and devastation in their wake. Their numbers and their might were too much for the knights and sorcerers of Ys to handle, so the people sought shelter within their holiest of temples at the top of the tallest mountain. In a desperate attempt to keep these people safe, the twin Goddesses used the power of the Black Pearl to tear this temple from the ground and raise it into the heavens, away from the ever-growing threat below.
The demons were determined, however. They erected an enormous tower from which further attacks were launched, bringing the battle into the skies. This is just a list of the games 'secret' unlockables, not a guide to where in-game items are, such as various cleria ore, armour, and gem locations.
You may purchase 'Adol' the main protagonist in other Ys games, this one in particular. In Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, the origin of Dracula and his legendary connection with the Belmonts was revealed.
In Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, fans can expect thrilling new twists and challenges. In this shocking conclusion to the Lords of Shadow saga, Dracula returns once again, weakened and yearning for release from his immortal bonds.
Facing a new and powerful threat, the vampire lord must reacquire his old powers — and only his castle holds the key. However, the famed Belmont clan also seek his ultimate destruction.
As you make your way up the 25 floors of the Darm tower, you'll come across environments based on deserts, fire and even water, where you have to swim under the surface to carry on exploring. I was surprised with the inclusion of water. I'm not sure if any of the other games have had this before, but it certainly wasn't in The Oath in Felghana, so coming into this game and experiencing that was a pleasing moment.
The level designers should be praised for keeping every floor of the dungeon feeling fresh. This variety makes you appreciate moving between levels as every floor throws something different at you to handicap your progression to the top.
Be it the environment and its platforms or enemies and their abilities, there is always something new to discover in every section. Once again, the bosses are the star of the show. These challenging battles require you to have mastered dodging, while having enough patience to keep a sharp eye on the boss' sequence, striking when the time is right.
During boss fights, you don't have the ability to go into the items menu, meaning characters cannot heal. Fights with the big guys are all about skill and timing; if you have none of these, then prepare to be decimated. Finally overcoming a boss feels so rewarding, and with me it was especially so. One of the later boss fights cost me 45 minutes of my life trying to defeat it, but it felt good when it happened - revenge is so sweet.
It all sounds familiar, and it is, the foundations of Ys Origin are built on top of The Oath in Felghana this came out in Japan in , but things begin to change when you pick the other starting character, Hugo. As a magician based character, Hugo plays differently than Yunica because of his long ranged attacks and his Eyes of Fact, two orbs that float by his side.
Simply breaking it down, you can look at these two characters as a warrior and a ranger. Both are vastly different in combat, which works well in adding an extra incentive to replay the game again.
Just like with The Oath in Felghana, I feel that Ys Origin works better with a controller rather than the mouse and keyboard.